Jpeg vs Raw
what is the main difference between Jpeg & raw. Jpeg files are smaller, and are a compressed version of an image, raw is the raw photo data of an image, and the files are larger. which file is bigger?… Continue Reading
what is the main difference between Jpeg & raw. Jpeg files are smaller, and are a compressed version of an image, raw is the raw photo data of an image, and the files are larger. which file is bigger?… Continue Reading
things that inspire my creativity art, music, others experiences, nature, history, emotions, movies,
what is pop art? pop art is art of something important to a culture at a certain time why is this artist considered art pop art pop is considered a large art movement in the 1950-60s characterized with bright… Continue Reading
Which photography related career(s) are you most interested in? Graphic Design After doing some research on the career, what are some of the job responsibilities? Create logos, graphics, user interfaces, ect. What is the basic salary (in the location you… Continue Reading
P/ Program mode: The camera automatically sets the aperture and shutter speed M/ Manual: nothing is set, shutter speed, aperture, iso. TV/ shutter priority: the aperture will automatically be set depending on the shutter speed AV/ Aperture priority: this mode… Continue Reading